Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

My name is Berni and I am a great pooch, I weigh about 40 kg. I am also the most nicest dog in the world! I am slow, I do not run, I do not pull on a leash, I accept large and small dogs, even cats! Visits to the vet, I endure very bravely, let you do everything! I love spending time with people but I live in a pen so I rarely have the opportunity for it. I dream about someone to love me but I have a little chance I am already 8 years old and for most people I stand over the grave with one paw, although I feel in full strength! I don't understand any of this. So I am waiting for someone who will see my loving friends in me and let me spend a few years of life at the house. And in the meantime you will help me? When buying karma or visiting me? I live in Nasielsk near Warsaw. Tel. To Aunt Marta 500 707 082

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